Support the Riverbank

As a not-for-profit charitable organization Brandon Riverbank relies on the support of donors, grants and charitable contributions to cover annual operating expenses and for our “Back to the River” Masterplan projects.
There are many ways to show your support for Brandon Riverbank. Note that charitable tax receipts can be issued for donations of $10.00 or more.
If you have questions, be sure to contact us at 204-729-2141 or email
I. General Giving.
a. At the Riverbank Discovery Centre we have Tip-Tap machines in place. Simply tap your debit or credit card to donate in $5.00 increments.
b. At the Riverbank Discovery Centre our staff would be happy to take in-person donations.
c. If you wish to send a cheque then please make your cheque payable to Brandon Riverbank Inc. and mail it to:
Brandon Riverbank Inc.
#1-545 Conservation Drive
Brandon, Manitoba
R7A 7L8
*Note that if you wish to receive a charitable tax receipt then please indicate so and include your return address.
d. For online donations, we utilize the Canada Helps platform whereby you can use credit card, Pay Pal, Google Pay or Gift Cards.
Canada Helps – Brandon Riverbank Inc.
II. Legacy Donations.
a. $250.00 per metre of trail supports our Riverbank endowment fund. These funds are deposited with the Brandon Area Community Foundation and the annual interest is used for maintenance of the trails and grounds. Your contribution will be recognized with your name (or your designated loved one’s name) on our website and in our quarterly newsletter.
b. $250.00 will buy a 4” x 6” stainless steel recognition plaque that will be installed on the East Wetland Boardwalk. Inscriptions of up to seven words can be inscribed on each plaque.
c. At times inscribed benches may be available through the City of Brandon. Please contact us for availability and current pricing.
III. “Back to the River” Masterplan Projects. We are currently working on the following projects. Should you wish to support these with minimum donations of $1,000 or more then please contact us.
a. The Peter Sawatzky Sculpture Gardens
b. Discovery Gardens
c. Extending the East Wetland Boardwalk
d. The installation of a 53 Kw solar array
IV. Other ways to give. There are many creative ways to give to Brandon Riverbank. If you are interested in supporting us by any of these means then please reach out to Executive Director Dean Hammond at 204-717-8801 or
a. Donations of materials, supplies or things
b. Donations of securities
c. Willed donations
d. In-kind donations of labour
e. The creation of endowments
f. Special event sponsorship
g. Naming rights